Thursday, December 1, 2016

Today's assignment

In his poem it talks about how he changed his life by poetry which is really amazing because only a poetry can really change your life. The one thing that change my mind is that immigrants are very excited and alot of dreams to come here but they end up in a misery. It's like a fake amazing picture, it looks great at the outside but when you really look in the deep it's just bad.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Theme, tone and mood

I think the theme is that it give us hope. The tone is pretty much sad to me.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Remember that time you ate that spicy tacos just before you went to bed on the night before the big concert?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the idiotic details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a house waiting to be sent to Texas.  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect orange trump person, looking like a crazy alligator who could eat a whole a cow.  

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, "Be yourself."  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to talk.  But it wasn't easy.  First you had to put on a fancy suit and tie and then you had make a time machine to go back in time to the University of Washington so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and the issue.

But right there in the University of Washington there was a giant Big foot and it started chasing at everyone.  People started to scream. You grabbed a person from a nearby Big foot and yelled Help.  Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


annihilate - to defeat someone completely.

expendable - not worth of saving

infinitesimally - variable

primeval - basic and powerful

resilient - able to become story after something bad happen

revoke to officially cancel the power of something

sheathed - to put something into a sheath

subliminal - relating to things that influence your mind

taint - to damage the good condition of something

undulate - having a wavy surface

Monday, November 14, 2016


This story called "A sound of a thunder" is interesting. This story is great because it talks about future. They can even changed the future which is interesting. But in the end is pretty sad because eckels regrets about changing the future. I learned something that even you can change the future just don't do it because in the end you will regret it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Emerson Presentation day 3

In my presentation I picked this quote "Power and speed be hands and feet." It means that your Power is in your hand and your speed is in your feet. As your hands has a power you can overcome your obstacles like school stuff, sometimes some teachers thought were learning things by giving us a lot of work and pressure but in reality it's not it making us our life miserable. And as your feet has the speed you can make it quicker to overcome your obstacles.

Emerson Presentation Day 2

Jay picked the quote "If you are noble, I love you and if your not I won't hurt." So it saying that he will accept who you are and respect you.

Monday, November 7, 2016


What I heard about the presentation is a quote "Don't look outside of yourself." Satchel means that learn from your mistakes and don't mind other people's business.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Our project is a quote from Emerson essay and we're gonna make it a quote collage.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


What I learned in "Self reliance is that just being yourself. Emerson started the quote "Don't look outside yourself." I learned that just look at yourself and don't mind what other people think of you. Additionally, I learned that be honest to the other people and accept everybody as equal.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Emerson said it

Here's the 5 quotes that I got from Emerson essay. First, "the soul is no traveler", It means the soul is always at home. Second,"Power  and speed be hands and feet." I think that means that your Power is in your hand and your speed is in your feet.
Third,"Don't look outside yourself", it means that just be yourself and trust yourself. Fourth,"do not think youth has no force." I think it means that the youth has strong thoughts. Lastly," A man is his own star." It saying that every man is their own person.


What I think in that story is that most of his sentences is hard to understand.

Friday, October 28, 2016


I have some ideas that I got from Emerson story and I used it as my evidence and I think it went well, hopefully. What I need to improve  is that more evidence and reasoning, so my essay will be better and my vocabulary.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Something interesting about my book

I learned some words that's not familiar to me which is interesting! :))

Feed back

Dr. Preston was told us to put more effort in our class and to be more ready what's coming.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My American Voice!

I'm the type of guy who usually quite and I wish I could go back and speak up when I had a chance. But now, if someone taking advantage to me it's my chance to speak up. Additionally, if someone trying to pressure me wether it's something they want me to do, time to speak up.

Vocab 6

meme - an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

virus - a code that can corrupt data and destroy the systwm

viral - a image, video or advertise that immediately trending in Internet.

blog - a website containing a journal in a particular way.

wiki - a website that allow anyone to add a material on it

URL - an address that shows where a particular page  can be found on world wide web.

website - a set of data and information about particular subject which is available on the internet

www it 's a world wide web

Internet - is the computer network which allows computer users to connect with computers all around the world.

2.0 - more advanced version of an original concept, product, service, etc.

open source - denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Draft letter to Mentor

        I have a big question to ask, why there's so much hate on this world? I know some people can answer this kind of question. The first thing why wars started is because hate it causes alot of lives. And why some people hate them because of their religion or skin color. If hate doesn't exist in this world there would be a peace and no killing zone.

Vocab 5

venomous - of a person or their behavior full of malice or spite

stolid - a person calm, dependable, and showing little emotion

 hypnotized - capture the whole attention of someone

suspended - temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect

transformed - dramatic change in the form

accuse - claim that someone has done something wrong

anticipate - regard as probable expect or predict

fringe - an ornamental border of threads melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause

earnestly - a serious and intent mental state

dissolve - close down or dismiss

aggravate - annoy or exasperate
illuminate - lighten

capillary - any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules

proboscis - the nose of a mammal

Friday, September 30, 2016

Mistakes for President

On Hillary, I observed that she wants to build a economy that works for everyone not only for the top. She's gonna make a new and good jobs. She also wants equal pay for women and she wants us equal together. On trump, I observed is that he's saying that china is making us a piggy bank to rebuild their country. Also, thousands of jobs leaving from michigan because this kind of economy.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Respect My Authority?

They respect my Authority is when I did something good for them and they care about me. Additionally, I had to do what they're asking me to do.

Inciting Incident

My impression of the Inciting Incident in The Pedestrian is when a police stopped Mr. Mead and ask him to go to police car.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Literature analysis

The theme of the book is to trust people. This story is all about trust throughout the story. Jacob Had to trust his grandpa that his story is true.

Firs Impression to "The Pedestrian"

My first impression in this story is the character is want to be alone.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Vocab 4

intermittent - not constant or steady
ebb - a condition of weakness
regress - the act of reasoning backward
tendency - a quality that makes likely to think or behave in a particular way.
antiseptic - preventing the growth of microorganisms.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Vocab in sentences

1. I will not enter  to relationship to avoid temporizing myself.

2. Some people belabor a celebrity.

3. Chandler will emulate his friend Joey.

4. Debra tenable herself from Marie's criticism.

5. Sometimes, I'm taciturn when I'm in bad mood.

6. I'm banal sitting in class for 7 hours.

7. I'm intransigent when I was a kid.

8. Ross eschew that he did in his past.

9. Chandler will largesse if he gets his paycheck.

10. The Nazis excoriation as racist.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Literature analysis #1

1. A young man Jacob Portman who idolizes his Grandpa ape. Ape fought in wars during WW2 and performed circus. He tells to Jacob this amzing stories and show him photos of a invisible boys, strong girls and people with mouths in the back of their heads. Jacobs believes all of these until he gets old enough not to. Since then he never belives his Grandpa's story.

2. The theme of this is that a boy just come to accept that his life woulf be ordinary when extraordianry things began to happen.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Vocab 3

coherent - logic and well organized
They are able to function as a coherent group.

belabor - to criticize someone
Don't belabor me.

eschew - to avoid something especially because you do not think it is right.
The bad person now eschew the bad things he did in his past.

acquisitive - having a strong desire  to acquire more things.
In WW2, the Germans try to acquisitive all the countries of Europe.

Emulate - to be like someone that you admire
Bryant emulated Jordan.

banal - not interesting
The PC games are banal to me.

excoriation - to criticize someone very harshly.
He was excoriation as racist.

congeal - to become solid
The water will congeal if you freezer it too long.

carping - marked by

substantiate - to prove the truth of something
I will substantiate that the aliens are real.

temporize - to avoid making a decision.

largesse- the act of giving away money
He relied on the largesse of friends after he  lost his job.

tenable - capable of being defended against criticism or attack.
I will tenable myself if someone criticize me..

insatiable - always wanting more
Hitler desire for his plan was insatiable

reconnaissance - military activity in which soldiers, airplanes etc., are sent to find out information about enemy.
The U.S created a plane that invisible to radar so they could reconnaissance they're enemy.

germane - relating to a subject in an appropriate way.
facts germane to the dispute.

ramify - to split up into branches.

intransigent - very stubborn

taciturn -  not speaking frequently.

Vocab fall list #3


Monday, September 12, 2016

My aeries

I got C+ on my essay test. Maybe I need to be more specific and more evidence. I understand why I got that grade. I posted enough on my blog, but I got low scores on my quizes, so I think I've earned a C+.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Young goodman response

1.  He was interested with issue of evil.

2. I agree because he thinks that anything he does is for his wife to be good.

3. I think there's something different to her that other people don't have.

4. I think everything brown witnessed was real. Evil magic was put to make brown that he was in a dream.

5. I think the old man is evil because he's proud himself what he does to those men.

6. It represents what the devil's stuff. It's similar to the eve's story.

7. He would be trusting everyone with his purity in his mind.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocab #2

faith - trust someone

I have faith to my teacher.

threshold - a piece of wood that lies under a door.

I stepped across the threshold.

tarry - to be tardy acting

resolve - to find  an answer

discern - to recognize

martyr - a person who suffers greatly

mirth - happiness

catechism - a book that explains about christian beliefs by using a question and answers list

pious - a deeply religous

frenzy - uncontrolled activity

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Young Goodman Brown Response

My impression into "Young Goodman Brown" is about strange things happening in to that story.

Vocab fall #1

theme - main idea
tone - author attitude
mood - quality of readers
diction -the author's choose to tell a story
syntax - the way author's organized the words

stupid - not intelligent
aadumbrate- to suggest
apotheosis - the best part of something
ascetic - relating to
bauble - inexpensive piece of jewelry
beguile - to trick or deceive
burgeon - develop quickly
complement - to make the sentence better
contumacious - stubbornly disobedient
curmudgeon - a person who easily annoyed
didactic - a designed

Vocab fall #1

theme - main idea
tone - author attitude
mood - quality of readers
diction -the author's choose to tell a story
syntax - the way author's organized the words

stupid - not intelligent
aadumbrate- to suggest
apotheosis - the best part of something
ascetic - relating to
bauble - inexpensive piece of jewelry
beguile - to trick or deceive
burgeon - develop quickly
complement - to make the sentence better
contumacious - stubbornly disobedient
curmudgeon - a person who easily annoyed
didactic - a designed

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

This week notes

Theme - the main idea
Mood - is the quality of readers
Validity - conclusion follow logically
Tone - something narrator or author attitude. The attitude toward the audience or the topic or the characters.
Syllogism - the basic form of logical argument

Truth has to be factually verifiably in the world

Diction - the words the authors choose to tell a story.
Syntax - is the way the author's organized the words.

    " The medium is the message"

The difference between hearing and listening is how we think.

Verbal - what I say
Para verbal - how I use my voice
Non verbal - is the facial expression and body language.


1. The language in the text is different from what I use everyday. In the text, It's like more serious and it's a story that never happen before. Now, there's a slang words that a lot of people use during there conversation.

2.  To make me  understand more about what it really saying.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Earth on turtles back Response

I think this article is all about helping each other to help the woman who fell from the sky. The animals keep trying but they keep failing it, but there not willing to give up. They really wanted to help the women. Finally, there's a tiny muskrat who succeeded and she's the smallest animals.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Richard Cory Poem

Richard Cory (Respond)

What I thought about Richard Cory is that he was rich, not just rich It's very very rich. He has everything and I think everyone is jealous of him, but even if   he got everything, he still put a bullet through in his head. That's just so sad.


Hi! Welcome to my blog. I appreciate you for visiting. My name is Kleiff Wesley Manzano. I'm a nice guy living here at Santa Maria. This city is great, especially the weather, I love it! not too cold or too hot, It's alright. And I'm attending high school at Santa Maria High School. And that's all you need to know about me because there's no much about me, but I'm a great guy. Lastly, Welcome to my journey on this blog, Hope we have great time. This is gonna be awesome.