Thursday, January 26, 2017

Great Gatsby remix chapter 1

So in chapter one in the book called The Great Gatsby, there's a guy named called Nick. Nick is the narrator of the book. When he came back from the Great war he moved to the East and one of his friend rent him a house so he could live in a New York because he wants to be a financing. There's Tom one of his old friend. At first he's a nice guy but in the end he's  a totatlly douchebag and racist, can you believe that guy? Daisy disagrees with Tom because he's a douchebag. Her attitude is that she never be happy and she doesn'f have nothing ready.

Monday, January 23, 2017


So remix, my opinion about remix is that when a different version of recorded song that is made by adding something that make the remix more great. You don't have to be a skill person to do a remix whether literature or music, everybody can do it. It's easy, it's like tying your shoe, that's how easy to do a remix. And in literature remix is a alternative version of a text like, pasting a new sentences, new ideas, and new ways about thingking words. And lastly there is a lot of reason why the remix is so important to all of us so we can create a new thing that never created before and that will make us a better person.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Perspective is how we look things.
Transcend - go to beyond and above.
Irony when the author writes a idea that we think is great but is the opposite.
Temporal is time of history.
Consecrate -  loyalty
Genre is a category of creative work that is unique  to a time or place.
Industrial revolution changed the life of human.
Modernism is easily confusing
Naturalism a style of literature that shows people and things as they actually are
Realism describes people and things as they are in real life.

Monday, January 16, 2017


Remix is a different version of a recorded song that is made by adding something new.

One that I noticed is that light bulb is like when we get a new better idea that can make revolutionary.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Yes, we can consider music to be literature. You can really tell because every song has a story like about the singer's life. A novel is a book, a poem is a speech that rhyme, a song is a words set to music, a rap is kinda like music but it's more rhyme and faster